Saturday 23 September 2023

castaway narrative (11. 016)

Coined in 1731 by author Johann Gottfried Schnabel in the preface of deserted island, survivalist story The Island Stronghold (Die Insel Felsenberg), the term robinsonade describes the genre wherein the protagonists find themselves shipwrecked and marooned and suddenly separated from civilisation, an homage to Daniel Defoe’s 1719 work Robinson Crusoe, and testament to proliferation of derivative works that followed, spanning decades and up to modern times. The most familiar being Johann David Wyss’ 1812 The Swiss Family Robinson in its various adaptations (theatrical produced in 1940 and again in 1960 and the sci-fi series Lost in Space—Danger Will Robinson!), the stranded group of immigrants were nameless in the book and is one of a number (at least two-hundred historic and contemporary examples) national and regional versions, like the Bohemian Robinsons, the Icelandic Robinsons and the Dutch Robinsons—with the conceit continuing. As primitive as can be.