Composed of nearly ninety thousand individual pieces of coloured glass and stones, the seven century old tiled floor at the crossing of the shrine of Edward the Confessor and the main altar of the Royal Peculiar, Westminster Abbey, the setting for the coronation will be on public display for the first time for over a hundred and fifty years, usually draped by thick carpets to protect the mosaic from damage after a botched attempt at preservation. Visitors are asked to kindly remove their shoes. Named for several generations of a family of craftspeople in Rome who produced inlaid floors in this style, it was commissioned by Richard Ware (see also) in 1258, after becoming abbot and contains many layers of thirteenth century symbolism informed by Classical philosophy and the geometry of Plato and cryptically predicts the end of the world 19, 863 years after its creation by adding the average life spans of a menagerie of animals includes dogs, ravens and whales. Much more at Amusing Planet at the link above.