Tuesday 16 January 2024

why can’t they be like we were—perfect in every way (11. 271)

We enjoyed this short observation by McSweeney’s contributor Talia Argondezzi on how contemporary parenting might be perceived through the generational lens of grandparents. All of it is pretty biting and astute but we especially liked the passage: 

After dinner, we play board games—not Monopoly, obviously, as I have no interest in these children learning the value of a dollar. And not Candyland, since it glamorizes added sugar. Sometimes we play Risk, but due to my idealized vision of how the world works, we cut the guns off all the little army guys, and we don’t battle for control of the countries. We simply roll the dice to move through the nations’ open borders. The game ends once everyone gets to Scandinavia. 

Do give the whole thing a read. Despite having tons of spare time all day every day, at no point do I call my parents.