Wednesday 3 August 2011

sisyphus or the united states of austerity

The American economy, industry and stability has ventured into very uncertain territory. After the enduring the battle of the wills that nearly resulting in a suspension of government services and furlough, I kind of lost interest in the posturing and mime that pushes the crisis but affect no real positive good. Some have described the atmosphere in Washington as bellicose, and though the work of exercizing democracy is not meant to be neat and courtly and hard decisions face America, it seems that the will and welfare of the people is not what's being won by all these histrionics and summoned rage.

No long-term solution has been found, and while debt and spending are unsustainably high, erosion of employment opportunities and physical and social infrastructure impose a bigger threat. The notion of American identity is challenged by the loss of that fleeting American dream, American exceptionalism and also the loss of military supremacy. Public health is not being championed, but rather only the rolling, regimented faith and confidence of the broader markets, not allowing the fear and frustration other outlets of expression. Debt is fleet-foot, threatening to obligate everyone futures with the toil of money already spent. Rather than fostering ways for the country to grow itself out this tangle together, secretive panels have been deputized with the task of chipping away at a mountain of outlays. People won't so be able to look beyond the childish antics that staved off any real debate and transparency and won't ignore what's been eschewed, and the cycle has only been primed to continue. Insular or expansive, this drama will be carried out over a succession in a long run of bank holidays, beginning when America faces up to the task of drafting a budget for the next fiscal year, and then when austerity panels fail to meet the quotas, and the build up to the 2012 presidential elections, and then when the credit rating agencies--to maintain any semblance of credibility--downgrade the US, and so on.