Sunday 2 July 2017

gipfel oder hanseatic league

The CDU party economic summit earlier this week may have gotten a fore-taste of what’s to be expected from the G20 summit that’s to take place in less than a week in Hamburg when Dear Leader’s commerce secretary, due to a scheduling conflict, attended by looming video teleconference and droned on well beyond his allotted time, chiding NATO partners for not paying their fair share, accusing Germany of protectionist trade policies that presented a barrier to entry for the US, unwillingness for the EU to buy genetically modified and untested crops or hormone laden beef—for which there will be consequences.
Event organisers eventually muted the US commerce secretary in mid litany, repeating the grievances that Dear Leader had already expressed and cut the video-feed.
Some in attendance at the Berlin conference centre applauded and laughed. The Chancellor was next to speak—but I believe she realises that what’s coming will be even more fraught with difficulties and there will be no kill-switch for the race-baiting, misogynistic and selfish court of amateurs that are coming.
The American regime has demonstrated itself to be far misaligned with the rest of the world when it comes to immigration, the environment and especially trade—preferring bullying and bluster to negotiation and dialogue and seeking to bust down those institutions that have given smaller nations leverage against tyranny and hegemony.
As America is poised to shirk more and more of its global commitments—not just the voluntary reduction goals of the Paris Climate Accords but also the financial regulations put in place to prevent another banking sector collapse like in 2008 and for which the G20 was created as a safeguard against it reoccurring, Germany is taking the lead on forming a united front upholding those values of a free and open market that have become rather inimical to the US. Hopefully Dear Leader is not foolish enough to precipitate a trade war.